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Known by God, loved by God

Writer's picture: Pastor Kevin TrembleyPastor Kevin Trembley

It's scary to think that God knows everything about me.

With people, it's easy enough to put on a front, stay on my best behavior, and hope no one notices that I'm a broken person just like everyone else.

But these things don't work with God.

He knows my sin, my insecurities, my weaknesses, and my wickedness.

He knows that nothing good dwells in my flesh and that without Him I can do nothing.

And yet even in spite of all of this, God loves me anyway.

17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. -Ephesians 3:17-19

The love of Christ is so wide, deep, and vast that it defies human comprehension. We cannot fully understand how amazing this love is, because there is no love like it on the earth.

And yet this love has been revealed to us in Christ.

It's ours!

The great secret- as author William R Newell once wrote; is to consent to be loved by God while we are still unworthy. To truly rest in and believe that God loves me- even when my sinful flesh and conscience say otherwise; is one of the secrets to growth as a believer in Christ.

We know what we are. We know what goes on in our minds and hearts all the time.

And here's the thing- God knows too. And He loves us all the same.

To rest in and accept that love even when we KNOW we aren't worthy, to trust in what the Bible has to say about this- even in the worst of our failures; is a key to Christian maturity in our lives.

It is scary to think about being known intimately- by people, and especially by God.

And yet, God does know us and He loves us anyways.

This should create worship and rest in our lives and hearts.

It's a hard lesson for us to learn.

But it must be learned if we are to grow.

I want Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3 to be answered for us.

That we would grow in our comprehension of the love of Christ.

Resting in His love alongside of you all,

Pastor Kevin


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