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Do we care that Jesus is the head of the church?

Writer's picture: Pastor Kevin TrembleyPastor Kevin Trembley

Ephesians 1:21-23 tells us that Jesus is:

"far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all"

Jesus is the Name above all names. All things have been put under His feet- angels, demons, and all of creation. He is also head over the entire worldwide Christian church, which is called His body.

This is a deep spiritual truth, to be sure; but one thing becomes very clear from this passage.

Jesus is in charge of the church. It's HIS body; He runs it, He sustains it, and it is His to do with as He wills.

The church is more than a building, it is a group of people who believe in Jesus Christ- both worldwide and locally.

In light of this truth, how do we respond to the authority of Jesus?

If He really is the head of the church- including our local church; do we run things as if this were true?

Are the programs we run and the events we put on Biblical, honoring to God, and necessary?

Is our Sunday service about worshiping God?

Or is it all about us and what we want?

Do we do these things just to please ourselves?

Or are we primarily concerned about pleasing God?

As we think about the relationships we have with others in the church, do we care about our Christian brothers and sisters enough to put our preferences aside and honor them?

Do we even take the time to get to know people outside of our "group"? Or are we happy just being with the people we know and are comfortable with?

Every church (and person within the church) must answer these and many others questions for themselves.

And we will be held accountable for what we choose to do.

My hope is that as we get into the Word and gain a grander view of Jesus and all that He is; that our worship of Him will grow.

And hopefully that worship will translate into obedience to God and greater unity in the church.

Jesus is the head of the church and the Lord of our lives.

This is true. So believe it.

How different would some churches, families, and Christians be if this truth was truly understood, believed, and lived out!

Stay hungry!

In Christ,

Pastor Kevin


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